
Destination mapping, Hotels Mapping and Room Type Mapping are the solutions that match and group all inconsistent travel information and data, in order for travel companies to present bookable travel products in an easy-to-understand and consistent language.

Hotel Mapping


Hotel mapping is a process of merging property IDs from different sources into one in order to avoid inconsistent naming and duplication in listings. Duplication and inconsistent listing happen when a travel company sources information from two or more channels, like wholesalers, channel managers, GDSs, and larger OTAs.

Hotel mapping usually refers to handling data and information such as contact information, address, ZIP code, general description, geolocation and many others.

Hotel mapping solutions help travel companies regain control and unify the content, improving the quality of the data it presents on its online booking portal and, ultimately, the travel agents’ and travelers’ satisfaction.

Room Mapping

When presenting the vast number of hotel search results on your booking platform, the best room offers don’t just show up first. Maybe you decided to always initially present the lowest-priced provider’s results, or you simply display all available rooms and rates to your customers, leaving them with an inconsistent bulk of room type names and descriptions – a chaotic listing.

The Room mapping offers a dynamic solution for a dynamic environment. The Room Mapping is the new solution that matches and groups all inconsistent travel information and data, in order for travel companies to present bookable travel products in an easy-to-understand and consistent language.

A more efficient multi-supplier data management

with wbe mapping solutions uses and facilitates the mapping solutions through its partners. Our mapping partners use codes to uniquely identify and simplify structured data maintenance for all types of accommodation. This in turn leads to fewer duplicates and incorrect allocations in your booking platform, especially if your travel business wants to pursue a multi-supplier strategy.

Our mapping suppliers identify incorrect and duplicate data records in every database and correct them – whether it is in your direct portfolio or in your partners. Whether it’s a data supplier for hotels, hotel complexes, holiday homes, rating portals, or any other content supplier.

START SELLING FASTER, SMARTER AND BETTER has a full portfolio of tech solutions to help you automate processes, increase efficiency, and boost your sales. Give it a try. Schedule a call with our team and let’s find together the best ways to grow your business.